Thursday, January 1, 2009

I've Been Scrappin'!

I don't have any projects to post today, but I did have to post to say that I've been scrappin"! It's been quite a while since I've had a chance to work on any albums, and I've really enjoyed a relaxing few days of playing and reminiscing. I think one of the benefits of being behind on the albums is that it gives me an excuse to go through pictures from years ago, and be amazed at how fast the time goes and the children grow.

Since the day after Christmas, I've finished 13 pages in Michelle's album which takes me about half way through her 2nd year (she's 5 now!). I'm in the middle of 4 more, but I ran out of adhesive so will have to wait till I can get some more. :o( I'll try and scan or get some pictures of the pages I finished a post a few next time.

Till then, God's love & blessings,