Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!! It will be in a couple of hours anyway. We were supposed to go to church tonight to ring in the New Year, but it was canceled due to a snow storm. I was going to work on putting away Christmas decorations, but Mike told me to go play in my office instead. :o) So, here I am with unexpected time on my hands and thought I'd use it by updating the blogs a bit and maybe planning out some projects for the new year.

This is a cake I did a couple of months ago. It was a blast to do. Although, I modeled the plumber several days in advance and had his back-side staring me in the face every time I went in the kitchen. :o) Looking at the pictures, I realize I still need to work on my modeling skills. There's a lot of wobbly lines and stuff, but I do see an improvement in the covering of the cakes in general. They don't look quite as bumpy as before. I also got a lot of practice using luster dusts on this one. The pipes and metal items are all gray fondant covered in a silver luster dust. That was hard to do without getting it all over. In fact, I think I'm still seeing a slight shimmer to my work table. ;o)

This gentlemen was retiring from plumbing and is a Vikings fan so I had to work purple in there somewhere.

I love Angel's idea for the dirty hand print on the towel. 

I made cupcakes to go along with the main cake. The tools are molded chocolate.
Well, that's it for tonight. I wish I could say I will do better at blogging consistently in 2012, but there is so much going on in life, and frankly, this blog takes a back seat to the more important things. I will do my best to set aside time to blog, but I'm not guaranteeing anything. Till next time, I honestly pray that you will feel God's love and blessings in 2012.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Michelle's Birthday Cake

Blogging consistently is really not my thing. Maybe I need to set aside a certain time each week to update the blogs. Anyway, here are some pictures of Michelle's birthday cake from September. I had a fun time making this cake. I think the caterpillars were my favorite.

I'm going to keep this short and sweet. I have a basket of mending that has been waiting patiently (or not so patiently) for the holidays to get over so I could tackle it. Guess now is the time. I'll do my best to post the plumber cake tomorrow.

Till next time...God's love and blessings!